Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Corporate Blogging: A new marketing communication tool for companies

Corporate Blogging is published and used by an organization to reach its organizational goals. Posts and comments are easy to reach and follow due to centralized hosting and generally structured conversation threads. Corporate blog includes internal blogs, external blogs and CEO blogs.

Example of corporate blog is It is a blog about Dell products, services and customers. It is useful in terms of providing information to customers or online users about their latest news. For example, recently Dell has created its new home page by redesigning it. It is focusing on function and beauty of the home page. The other issue is about Dell’s producer is going to recycle and reuse those electronic equipment. Implementation of such corporate blog may make the customers more familiar with the company’s products and services. In addition, the strategy plan can also be known by public. It may boost up the reputation of the company.

There are several advantages of corporate blogging. It may provide space where interpretations and different points of view come up so that the any member of the organization can discuss and debate them. It provides a useful communication tools for member of organization to voice out their comment and helps increase member commitment. Besides, it helps in improving participation spirit, collaboration, and the capabilities of team learning. It is also useful to promote dialogue and find lateral ideas outside the team.

On the other hand, it leads to the sharing of information, which could be harmful for employees or the company. There are cases where a company has been held responsible for comments made by some employees that adversely affected the others. Moreover, some employees may use the blog to write negatively about the company, leading to bad publicity.

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